Super Trunking Scanner :: Glossary
Santa Clara PD
Code 1 - At your convenience
Code 2 - Urgent (no lights or sirens)
Code 3 - Emergency (lights and sirens)
Code 4 - No further assistance needed
Code 5 - Stakeout
Code 6F - Wanted (Felony)
Code 6I - Infraction
Code 6M - Wanted (Misdemeanor)
Code 7 - Meal time
Code 10 - Bomb threat
Code 20 - Officer Needs Help - Emergency
Code 30 - Officer Needs Help - Major Emergency
Code 33 - Emergency - Restricted traffic
Code 99 - Emergency button on radio or MDT
10-1 - Receiving poorly (radio)
10-2 - Receiving OK (radio)
10-3 - Change to channel
10-4 - Message received
10-5 - Relay to
10-6 - Busy
10-7 - Out of service
10-8 - In service (and/or clear of previous call)
10-9 - Repeat
10-10 - Out of service (at home)
10-12 - Visitors or officials present
10-14 - Escort
10-14F - Funeral escort
10-15 - In custody
10-16 - Pick up
10-18 - Coffee break
10-19 - Heading to station
10-20 - Location
10-21 - Telephone
10-22 - Cancel
10-27 - Check driver license info
10-28 - Check DMV registration info
10-29 - Check for wants (6F, 6M, ...)
10-33 - Alarm sounding
10-34 - Open door
10-36 - Clear to copy sensitive info
10-50 - Take a report
10-51 - Intoxicated subject ("EtOH" when used with fire/medic units)
10-53 - Person down - medical and police call
10-54 - Possible dead body
10-55 - Dead body (coroner's case)
10-56 - Suicide
10-56T - Suicide threats
10-57 - Firearms discharge (shots heard)
10-58 - Garbage complaint
10-62 - Meet the citizen
10-65 - Missing person
10-66 - Suspicious person
10-67 - Person calling for help
10-70 - Prowler
10-71 - Shooting
10-72 - Knifing
10-73 - How do you copy (radio)
10-80 - Explosion
10-86 - Any traffic?
10-87 - Meet the officer
10-88 - Fill with officer (backup, might be code 1 or code 3)
10-91 - Stray animal
10-91B - Barking dog
10-91D - Dead animal
10-91E - Animal bite
10-95 - Pedestrian stop
10-96 - Pedestrian stop, fill needed
10-97 - Arrived, on scene (often just "97")
10-98 - Finished with last assignment
11-24 - Abandoned vehicle
11-25 - Traffic hazard; blocking lanes
11-26 - Abandoned/found bicycle
11-54 - Suspicious vehicle
11-80 - Major injury accident
11-81 - Minor injury accident
11-82 - Non-injury accident
11-83 - Unknown injury accident
11-84 - Traffic control
11-85 - Tow truck
11-95 - Vehicle stop
11-96 - Vehicle stop, fill needed
148 - Resisting arrest
148.3 - False report of criminal activity
148.9 - False ID to police officer
180 - Vehicle towing form (CHP)
187 - Homicide
207 - Kidnapping
211 - Robbery
215 - Carjacking
220 - Attempted rape
240 - Assault
242 - Battery
243.2 - Sexual battery
245 - Assault with a deadly weapon
246 - Shooting into a dwelling
261 - Rape
273D - Child abuse
273.5 - Spousal abuse
288 - Sex offenses
290 - Sex offender registration
300 W&I - Juvenile welfare
314 - Indecent exposure
415 - Disturbance
415DV - Domestic violence disturbance
415W - Disturbance with weapons involved
417 - Brandishing a weapon
422 - Stalking / criminal threats
451 - Arson
459 - Burglary
470 - Forgery
476A - Bad checks
484 - Theft / larceny
487 - Grand Theft
488 - Petty Theft
496 - Receiving stolen property
503 - Embezzlement
537 - Defrauding an innkeeper
590 - Drug offender registration (from PC 11590)
594 - Vandalism
597 - Cruelty to animals
602 - Trespassing
646.9 - Stalking
647B - Prostitution
647C - Panhandling
647F - Drunk in public
653.2A - Harassment by electronic device
653X - Harassing the 911 emergency line
664 - Attempt (combined with other codes)
952 - Report on conditions
970 - Parking violation
990 - Solicitor
2800 - Felony reckless evading
3700 - Security check
5150 - Mentally disturbed person
10851 - Stolen vehicle
10852 - Tampering with a vehicle
11300 - Drugs/narcotics (sometimes just "11-3")
12020 - Possession of a deadly weapon
12025 - Concealed weapon
12031 - Carrying a loaded firearm
12677 - Illegal fireworks
14601 - Suspended driver license
20001 - Felony hit and run - injury
20002 - Misdemeanor hit and run - non-injury
23103 - Reckless driving
23109 - Speed contest
23152 - Misdemeanor drunk driver (aka "deuce")
23153 - Felony drunk driver
AD - Accidental
ATC - Attempt to contact
CJIC - Criminal Justice Information Control (Santa Clara County)
CP - Control Post
CPA - Citizen Police Academy
CRC - Community Recreation Center (969 Kiely)
CSO - Community service officer
DOT - Direction of travel
ECD deployment - Electronic Control Device ("taser") used on subject
ECR - El Camino Real
FI - Field interrogation
FM - Few minutes
FTA - Failure to appear
GAP - Great America Parkway
GOA - Gone on arrival
Hand pack - Hand-held radio
HBD - Has been drinking
HNT - Hostage Negotiation Team
MDT - Mobile data terminal (computer in car)
Motor unit - motorcycle
MUPS - Missing and Unidentified Persons Unit
NRW - No records or wants (background check)
OD - Off duty
OMVAR - Old Mountain View-Alviso Road
PFN - Person File Number (used to identify individuals in CJIC)
PIPS - License plate scanner camera system (made by PIPS Technology)
RIP - Registration in progress (DMV license plate renewal)
RO - Registered owner
RP - Reporting party
TC - Traffic collision
The Hut - local bar (NOT Pizza Hut)
THF - Temporary holding facility
UTL - Unable to locate
X, X-Ray - Female
YAC - Youth Activity Center (San Tomas at Cabrillo)
Disposition O - Outside agency assistance
Santa Clara Fire
Alpha response - least urgent medical call
Echo response - most urgent medical call (usually leads to a 10-55)
STAR Car - Supplemental Transport Ambulance Resources
Disposition 1A - General medical call, ALS only
Disposition 1C - Multiple patients
Disposition 4 - Vehicle fire
Disposition 5 - Other fire
Disposition 6 - Hazmat
Disposition 7 - Service call
Disposition 8 - False alarm
Disposition 9 - Mutual aid
ALS - Advanced life support
ALOC - Altered level of consciousness
BLS - Basic life support
CGI - Combustible gas indicator
DFM - Deputy Fire Marshal
LDH - Large diameter hose
RIC - Rapid intervention company
RMA - Rural/Metro ambulance (Santa Clara county; replaced AMR in 2011)
PAR - Personnel accountability report
TIC - Thermal imaging camera
VMC - Valley Medical Center (280/Bascom, in San Jose)
Level 0 - no ALS available
ALERT 1 - Aircraft minor difficulty
ALERT 2 - Aircraft major difficulty
ALERT 3 - Aircraft involved in actual accident